I've been coming across articles about gas prices and the government's response a great deal recently. But I don't have the strength of stomach to sift through all of them, identify the fallacies, address them, and provide links. There's just too much garbage and it's too repetitive for such
meticulosity to be of worth. I'm just going to write my own ideas on the matter.
So, what's the problem here? For some reason [I'm going to leave the reason to the economist] the price of gas has increased which is costing Americans more money. This upsets the American because he needs gas to fuel his car to get to work to earn money to buy things like bread and milk etc. He feels his rights are being violated and demands that the government resolve this atrocity. The government responds by demanding that the oil companies refund some of their profits, lower their prices, and/or repeals the companies tax breaks/subsidies.
Forgive me if this sounds old hat, but I'm going to address my arguments specifically toward those who are calling for oil company blood. Mostly because I'm angry and frustrated and need to articulate myself.
Firstly, there is no such thing as a right to oil. Even if oil is the only means to your job; there is no such thing as a right to a job. Even if a job is the only means to your survival; there is no such thing as a right to survival. By virtue of the fact that man must act in order to live you have the right to act, and to the consequences of those actions, so long as those actions don't interfere with other's right to act and retain the products of their actions (
ie murder, theft, fraud). Every freedom and right that you have is derived from this most fundamental right. Free speech, free association, freedom of religion, and of press, etc. are all just examples of your broader right to do as you wish without infringes the rights of others. The right to property, and the sole direction of it, is simply the corollary right to the products of your actions. This is what is meant by life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. It is your life to maintain and do with as you please.
This means you can seek a life/job/oil, but no one is
obligated to provide you with such. At first this may sound cruel [I know many who've claimed so], but examine the alternative. Who will provide you with this life/job/oil? Your means for living must come from somewhere; if not from yourself then from whom, at whose expense? Who are you going to make your slave? I posit that the cruelty, the brutish ignorance, is not that these things aren't provided for you, but that anyone would claim it must be.
Lets tie this principle back to the oil companies. It is
their oil, not yours. They buy it, store it, refine it, package it, ship it, and however they so choose - sell it. No one has any authority to demand that they do any of this in any way; least of all the government whose prerogative it is to protect rights, not violate them. The oil companies are under no obligation to sell you oil at a price that you like, and you are under no obligation to buy from them. They are not your slave, you are not theirs; as humans you must interact mutually.
The oil company willingly produces gas and sells it in order to make a profit. Just as you willingly do what you do in order to make a profit. Imagine the consequences of what you're demanding of the oil company in regards to your own business. If you're a construction worker, what happens when consumer thinks your manager is charging too much for houses? A lawyer; what happens when everyone has a 'right to representation', who's going to set your pay? Oh, you're a teacher. Well, I think you know what happens when every child has a 'right to education' and the government sets your pay. But the oil companies are different you say, they're rich. Would you dare claim it isn't wrong to usurp the property of an oil company because they have more of it and can 'afford' to lose some? Stealing from a millionaire or a teacher is stealing all the same.
If it isn't profitable for you to buy gas and drive to work, then don't do it. Do something that is profitable. For example, I purposefully live near where I work and go to school. I walk, ride bike, bus, and when I absolutely need better transportation I buy a cheap efficient scooter/motorcycle. It's mine and your choice to drive a car or not, and accept the expenses of that or not.
Hark! In the distant I hear the faint whine of, "but they're gouging..." Yes, and exactly
what is gouging? I've yet to hear any complainant offer a definition for this. The closest I can figure is that it means that consumers feel they're being taken advantage of. But, how is that? The oil companies aren't lying to you about their product or prices, they're not forcing you to buy it. I damn well know you can choose not to have a car, or not have responsibilities that necessitate a car. So, please, tell me where is this gauging. I'm begging to be enlightened.
No, what "gouging" is, is a term people throw around to justify legally endorsed and executed theft. It's better if it's not defined, then it can mean whatever you imply it to mean. If no one looks too carefully, you can magically get the government to steal for you just by chanting "gouging".
And, what's that you say? Oil companies receive subsidies from taxpayers and so they 'owe' you? Ah, taxes! I'm glad you brought it up! You are entirely right to feel cheated when it comes to taxes, you are being stolen from. Imagine it, the government
forcibly takes [dare you not to pay your taxes if you take issue with my terms] money from everyone every year, removes a percentage for administrative costs and the expense of performing this great scandal, then distributes to the rest on services you could very well have gotten yourself. That is at it's best; at it's most honest it steals from the rich and/or industrious to give to the poor and/or lazy; charity at gunpoint.
The oil companies shouldn't receive subsidies. More to the point they shouldn't be taxed and regulated to death so that begging stolen money is the only way to stay in business. And, you shouldn't have to beg stolen money in the form of exemptions every year either. There's no reason why both you and the oil company shouldn't keep and do with your money as you like; except enforced charity. But taxes are another vile story that will be told at a later date.