The Ivory Tower

This is a place for me to think out loud (or 'on paper') all things that are interesting me, and to comment on things I want to remember. Naming my blog the Ivory Tower is a joke on the popular notion that philosophy and intelligence are something beyond the common man, somehow above the 'mean' act of living as a human. Rand's refutation of this is what immediately drew me to her. Feel free to introduce yourself.


I'm Not Usually Squemish About Bugs...

... But this thing is in my house! ::horrified girly scream::

"House Centipede
(Photo Courtesy of Lindy Miller, Vigo County CES Educator)"
Picture taken from The Plant and Pest Digital Library of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana


At Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:21:00 PM, Blogger Nicolaus Nemeth said...

Yes, I left those back in Indiana but here in Arizona our house is infested with spiders and crickets that climb through the drains.


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