The Ivory Tower

This is a place for me to think out loud (or 'on paper') all things that are interesting me, and to comment on things I want to remember. Naming my blog the Ivory Tower is a joke on the popular notion that philosophy and intelligence are something beyond the common man, somehow above the 'mean' act of living as a human. Rand's refutation of this is what immediately drew me to her. Feel free to introduce yourself.


Beautiful Things #6

The Second Proclamation of the Prince Chulalongkorn From The King and I [1956]

There shall be no bowing like toad, no crouching, no crawling. This does not mean, however, that you do not show respect for king! You will stand with sholders back and chin high, like this. You will face king with proud expression, showing pride in self as well as in king. This is proper way for men to show esteem for one another, by looking upon each other’s faces, with kindness of spirit, eyes meeting eyes in equal gaze, bodies upright, standing as men were meant to stand.