The Ivory Tower

This is a place for me to think out loud (or 'on paper') all things that are interesting me, and to comment on things I want to remember. Naming my blog the Ivory Tower is a joke on the popular notion that philosophy and intelligence are something beyond the common man, somehow above the 'mean' act of living as a human. Rand's refutation of this is what immediately drew me to her. Feel free to introduce yourself.


New Posting Policy

This is a policy I've always followed somewhat intuitively but I decided to make it explicit in order to avoid minor incidents of self-doubt when it comes to posting. I'll only post on topics that interest me; there are two different ways that a topic interests me which decides how I will handle posting. The first is: I want to write about the topic or some aspect of it. The second: that I don't have anything to add to the conversation but am still interested in it, want to keep a record of it, and possibly relay information. Like I said, this isn't a radical change, I've pretty much been doing this all along. The only difference is that since I've now explicitly decided this, I won't refrain from posting a topic without writing an original analysis/opinion or feel guilty when I do.


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