The Ivory Tower

This is a place for me to think out loud (or 'on paper') all things that are interesting me, and to comment on things I want to remember. Naming my blog the Ivory Tower is a joke on the popular notion that philosophy and intelligence are something beyond the common man, somehow above the 'mean' act of living as a human. Rand's refutation of this is what immediately drew me to her. Feel free to introduce yourself.


Terry Pratchett

To anyone who happens to wander by; I highly recommend Terry Pratchett and most especially his novel Going Postal.

"Ordinary men had dreamed it up and put it together, [...] across the frozen spines of mountains. They'd cursed and, worse, used logarithms. They'd waded through rivers and dabbled in trigonometry. They hadn't dreamed, in the way people usually use the word, but they'd imagined a different world, and bent metal around it. And out of all that sweat and swearing and mathematics had come this ... thing, dropping words across the world as softly as starlight." ~Terry Pratchett


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